Every manuscript submitted to Jurnal Permata Indonesia (JPI) must be free from plagiarism. Authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software to check the level of content similarity. The editor will check for plagiarism in the submitted article using anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin). The maximum level of plagiarism allowed according to Ristekdikti rules is 25%.



Plagiarism is the act, either intentionally or unintentionally, of obtaining or attempting to obtain an award or recognition for a scientific work by quoting part or all of another person's scientific work without properly and completely citing the source.

Submitted articles must be original work, have never been published, and are not in the process of publication in other journals. Any material taken from other sources directly must be clearly marked so that it can be distinguished from the original text. If plagiarism is identified, the Editor-in-Chief is responsible for reviewing the article and will approve action according to the level of plagiarism detected, with the following guidelines:

  1. Copied part of a short sentence from another article without citing the source. Action: The author will be given a warning and asked to correct the text and include the citation correctly.
  2. Copying a large part of another article without proper citation and without citing the source. Action: The submitted article will be rejected for publication in Jurnal Permata Indonesia, and the author may be sanctioned in the form of a ban on publishing work in Jurnal Permata Indonesia.
  3. If the article is identified as plagiarism, all authors will be subject to the same sanctions. If it is proven that the author submitted the manuscript to Jurnal Permata Indonesia simultaneously by submitting the manuscript to another journal, and this is detected during the review process or after publication, then action will be taken in accordance with the provisions in point 2.

Authors who submit their articles for publication in JPI must ensure that the manuscript is free from plagiarism. If plagiarism is found in the article, the author must be prepared to accept sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations, and JPI has the right to take action in accordance with the policies set by the editorial team.