Publications Ethics

Publications Ethics

In order to maintain the quality of manuscripts and prevent publishing violations or plagiarism, the editorial board of the Permata Indonesia Journal (JPI) published by UP2M Poltekkes Permata Indonesia Yogyakarta establishes ethical guidelines for scientific publications. These ethical guidelines apply to authors, editors, bestary partners (reviewers), and journal managers or editors. and journal managers or editors. These guidelines refer to the standards set by the Commission on Publication Ethics (COPE).




Writing Standards:

Authors must provide information about the process and results of their research to the editor in an honest, clear, and thorough manner, and keep their research data safe and secure.

Originality and Plagiarism:

The author must ensure that the manuscript that has been sent / submitted to the editor is an original manuscript, written by himself, originating from his own ideas and ideas, and not plagiarizing the written works or ideas / ideas of others.  Authors are strictly forbidden to change the name of the cited reference source to another person's name.

Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications:

The author must inform that the manuscript sent/submitted to the editor is a manuscript that has never been sent/submitted to another journal/publication publisher. If there is a “redundancy” of manuscript submissions to other publishers, the editor will reject the manuscript sent by the author.

Status of the author;

The author must inform the editor that the author has competence or qualifications in a particular field of expertise in accordance with the field of science of the publication, namely librarianship. The author who sends the manuscript to the editor is the first author (co-author) so that if a problem is found in the process of publishing the manuscript, it can be resolved immediately.

Manuscript writing mistakes

The author must immediately inform the editor if errors are found in the writing of the manuscript, both the results of the review and the results of the edit. These writing errors include writing names, affiliations/institutions, quotations, and other writings that can reduce the meaning and substance of the manuscript. If this happens, the author must immediately propose improvements to the manuscript.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Authors must understand the ethics of scientific publication above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the manuscript can be processed smoothly and safely.

Data sharing dan Reproducibility

Jurnal Penelitian Permata Indonesia Yogyakarta (JPI) grants permission to users to copy, distribute, display, and disseminate works for non-commercial purposes only. Users are also required to include the author's name and register themselves if they want to distribute the work through journals or other publication media. Unless otherwise stated, authors are public entities immediately after their articles are published.

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have unusual hazards inherent in their use, authors should clearly identify these in the manuscript.





Publication Decisions;

editors must ensure that the manuscript assessment process is thorough, transparent, objective, fair and thoughtful. This process is the basis for the editors to determine whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected. In this case, the editorial board acts as the team that selects the manuscript.


Publication Information;

Editors should ensure that manuscript guidelines are clearly available and accessible, both in print and digital formats, for authors and other relevant parties.


Distribution of peer-reviewed manuscripts;

Editors need to ensure that reviewers and manuscript materials to be reviewed are available, and provide clear information about the review rules and process to reviewers.


Objectivity and Neutrality;

Editors should edit manuscripts in an objective, fair and honest manner, regardless of the gender, business background, ethnicity, religion, race, class or nationality of the author.



Editors must keep any information confidential, especially with regard to the privacy of authors and the distribution of their manuscripts.


Disclosure of conflicts of interest;

Editors must understand the ethics of scientific publications to prevent conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the manuscript publishing process can run smoothly and safely.












Objectivity and neutrality;

Reviewers must act honestly, objectively, impartially, and independently, with only scientific truth as a priority. The manuscript evaluation process must be conducted in a professional manner without regard to the author's gender, professional background, ethnicity, religion, race, class, or nationality.


Clarity of Reference Sources;

Reviewers must ensure that the sources of references or citations in the manuscript are valid and can be accounted for. If there are errors or discrepancies in the writing of references or citations, the reviewer must notify the editor so that the author can make improvements according to the notes given.


Effectiveness of Peer-Review;

Reviewers must respond to manuscripts sent by the editor and work according to the agreed peer-review schedule. If it takes more time to review, the reviewer must immediately inform and confirm to the editorial secretariat.


Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest;

Reviewers need to understand the ethics of scientific publications to prevent conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the manuscript publishing process can run well and safely.